How to Forgive Someone Who You Think has Made Your Life a Mess

 The art of forgiveness will set you free. When you learn how to forgive someone, you open a gateway to heaven on this earth.

Many of us think we will forgive someone once everything is alright in our lives.

But my friend, know that everything is connected. To change the outside world, we need to change from the inside.

Read the points below on how to forgive someone so that you can live fully.

“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”-Wayne Dyer

  Your life is a precious gift given by the creator. Can you let a few negative thoughts destroy this gift? 

Think of life from a bigger angle and see how this small thing is controlling us in an ocean of unlimited possibilities, which is called life.

Unforgiveness will never let us fully experience the beauty of this life. So if you are holding this negative emotion inside you then you need to learn how to forgive someone and set yourself free.

2. You Have to do This for Yourself

“Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die.”- Marianne Williamson

 You are telling a story to yourself and living it every day. It is not affecting another person, it is affecting only you.

So only you can change your life by changing your story

3. Know that They Did it According to Their Mindset and Circumstances

 If we are suffering because of someone else’s karma, we create anger inside us for them.

We analyze our situation and think about what bad they did to us. And what they should have done to prevent this misery.

But the first thing is past is gone and you can not change it. But you have the option to live this past again and again by thinking about it or you can let go and live a new future.

2nd thing is the person who did this was not aware of what will be the consequences of this, they did according to the information and mindset they had.

So, be a master forgive and win this game of life.

4. We are Here to Learn a Lesson

 Stories from many books, near-death experiences, channeling, and hypnotherapies explain that we are here to learn a lesson. 

The person we think has done wrong to us was just helping us in our learning. So that we can learn our lesson, get over this emotion, and embrace pure love.

how to forgive someone
Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

You can believe it or not it’s on you, but you can use this knowledge to forgive others. 

And what if this is all true? 

Read: Dying To Be Me: Anita Moorjani it will help.

5. How to Forgive Someone Through Hoʻoponopono

Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian technique of forgiveness. This technique is designed to erase negativity from our mind

According to Hoʻoponopono our outer world is created by us only, if we are not happy with our life then there is some error in our mind. If we have created everything then we are 100% responsible for everything 

With Hoʻoponopono practice we ask for forgiveness and ask the divine to correct the error inside us which is causing this problem. 

This is the process of letting go where we repeat four sentences and surrender everything to higher power to be corrected.  Mabel katz calls it zero frequency state, where we are neutral and god is taking care of everything.

Trusting 100% to higher intelligence and surrendering everything to him with these affirmations is the core of this practice.

In this the practice, we have to repeat four sentences as many times as we can. Whenever something negative comes up repeat it.

“I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you”

You are saying this prayer to the divine or your higher self.

Meaning of prayer:

I am sorry: I am sorry for whatever error inside me is creating this problem. I take 100% responsibility for this and I will not blame another person for this

Please forgive me: Please cleanse me and release this error 

Thank you: Thank you for releasing and setting me free

I love you: Love is healing, send love to the divine and the person to initiate this healing.

 Dr.  Ihaleakala Hew Len cured many people using this practice.

Read this book for his story: Zero Limits

At the end of post you will find a good video link on the understanding of Ho’oponopono

6. How to Forgive Someone Through Meditation and Affirmation

 All techniques work only when you have a true intention to forgive another person. Because if you don’t have the intention to forgive, it will be considered your free will and no-one will interfere with your free will.

Now if you have the intention to forgive you can sit and relax with any meditation technique.

Once you are in a relaxed state you can repeat your affirmations. For example: “I forgive, accept and love my ….., This is what divine love wants me to do”. 

You can replace …. with any relationship you have with the person or you can use his/her name

At the end of post you will find a video link to a guided meditation on forgiveness.


 As you can see another person is just a part of us. He/she needs love and compassion. 

If we cultivate love and compassion for every human being, our life will become magical. But for that we need to go beyond our ego and see everyone as a human being, as a creation of god.

Once you start sending love to another person you are turning the wheel of your thinking. And once you are successful in forgiving then see the magic and how fast things will change. 

Unforgiveness is for victim mentality people, People having a master mentality have only love and compassion for all.

Let’s go beyond our ego. Accept, forgive, love, and win the game.

Do share your feedback on the post.

Important Links:

  1. Video link on the understanding of Ho’oponopono
  2. Guided meditation on forgiveness
Hey, beautiful soul, Can you pause for a while, close your eyes and live this beautiful moment that is passing right now? Just Try !!
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