100 Things to Be Grateful For to Bring Magic in Your Daily Life

Where focus goes, energy flows. Here is a list of things to be grateful for that will shift your focus on the positive aspects of life. 

When we focus on something whether positive or negative, we bring more of it into our life. Gratitude is a way to invite good things into life.

Always look around and you will find tons of things to be grateful for

Many people struggle with finding things to be grateful for and think “What am I grateful for? nothing special happened today.” But you do not have to wait for the big things to be grateful for. You can easily find a lot of little things to be grateful for. 

But if you are confused and need a gratitude list then below is the list of 100 things to be grateful for.

Once you know what you are grateful for, you can express your gratitude to the universe, creator, god, or whatever you call divine intelligence.

Words without emotions have no power. This universe understands the language of feelings. So feel it from the core of your heart when you express gratitude.

Below are few good methods I found to pay gratitude:

things to be grateful for

1. Gratitude Journal

Every day write a list of 10 things you are grateful for. You can keep a physical gratitude journal or you can use any digital app to record daily gratitude. 

Try to keep a physical journal that is the best way. But if it is not possible for you then use any gratitude journal app. 

Presently is a great gratitude journal app I found. It is simple, easy, and dedicated to gratitude only.

2. A Mail to Universe

I love this gratitude method. Here, every day you will write a mail to the universe or the creator. 

Just write a simple mail with all the things you are grateful for. If you wish, you can also add a list of your desires or goals in this mail.


Subject: A Letter to Universe

Dear Universe,

Good Day!!

I am grateful for … I am thankful for the event …. 3….. 4… (Add 5 to 10 things that you can remember at this moment)

At this moment of space and time, this is what I desire from you:


2. —–




Thank You, Universe!!


You can create a new mail id and send this mail to that id. If you wish you can use “lettertodivine@gmail.com” to send your gratitude. This mail is just created for this purpose and no person reads it. 

This concept I got from Write Notes To The Universe blogpost.

3. Gratitude Meditation

Just take out 10 minutes every day. Sit relaxed and take a few deep breaths. 

Once you are relaxed remember the things you are grateful for and express your gratitude with pure emotions.

List of 100 Things to Be Grateful For:

Below is the list of 100 things to be thankful for:

Things to Be Grateful for Today

1. Beautiful Morning

“Whether you are a crawling worm or a big human being, when the sun comes up in the morning it lights up every body.Whoever opens his eyes for him there is light for him.” – — Spoken by Sadguru in “Wholeness”

Every morning is a new opportunity to achieve greatness. Admire the beauty of the morning. Whether you can observe it or not, there is immense beauty in it, Find it

2. Sunlight Touching Your Face

Every morning when sunlight touches your face it lights you up with all the nature. Appreciate it. In the winter it feels more beautiful.

3. Morning Breeze

Appreciate the beauty and mild coldness of the morning breeze when it touches your face.

4. Nature and Beauty Around

Appreciate the nature, trees, water, and beauty around you that you see in the morning.

5. Morning Tea or Coffee

Everybody likes hot delicious tea or coffee in the morning. Appreciate it. If you don’t drink tea or coffee then be thankful for whatever you drink in the morning.

6. Morning Shower

Morning showers are amazing. It brings you into a state of relaxation. Be thankful for it.

things to be grateful for

7. Pets

Be thankful for your pets. When you play with them you release the stress and become joyful.

8. Meditation

Meditation helps us to release unnecessary stress and keep us in a relaxed, peaceful state. Do this everyday and be thankful for it.

9. Daily Gratitude

Be thankful to yourself for expressing gratitude everyday. For taking time out for gratitude practice.

10. Food

Be thankful for the food you are getting to eat throughout the day.

11. Family

Be thankful for your family and loved ones who make you happy everyday, everytime you see them.

things to be grateful for

12. Bed

Be thankful for the cozy bed, you sleep on everyday.

13. Sleep

Be thankful for the good sleep that restores your energy and freshens you.

14. Dreams

Be thankful for the beautiful dream you had last night. You can also record them in a dream journal.

15. Water

Appreciate the water you drink. It keeps us alive.

Things to Be Grateful for In Life

16. Good Relationships

Be thankful for good relationships in your life. And the joy it gives to you

17. Good Friends

We can share everything with good friends. They are always close to our heart. Be thankful for having good friends.

i'm grateful

18. Beautiful Places You have Travelled

We travel to beautiful places. Just rewind the memories and be thankful for the beauty of the place and the amazing events that happened during your trip.

19. Beautiful People You Met

During our journey on this planet we meet many sweet people. Be thankful for them. Also, be thankful for the events that connected  you with these people.

20. Special Food

We eat our daily meals at home, be thankful for it. But sometimes we eat something special outside or on any trip. Be thankful for it.

21. Events

We attend many beautiful events and ceremonies in our life. Where we meet a lot of people and enjoy the time. Be grateful for such events.

22. Music

Music connects us with our soul. Be thankful for the beautiful music you listened to.

23. Movies & Shows

Movies and shows entertain us a lot and help us. Be thankful for good movies and shows.

24. Inspirational Content

We find a lot of content on the internet that inspires us and keeps us on a positive track. Be thankful for such content.

25. Online Video Streaming Platforms

This is the time of the Internet. We can find the content of our choice easily and watch it. Be thankful for such companies like YouTube, Netflix, Amazon etc.

26. Books

 Books are great inspiration. This gives us knowledge on the lifetime experience of other people in a few hours. Books help us to find a way in any situation. Express your gratitude for a good book you read.

27. Coincidences

 In life sometimes we encounter coincidences that lead to a beautiful experience. Be thankful for such coincidences and experience. Maybe they are the answers to your prayers.

28. Thankful for Helping Others

Helping others is a core value we have as a human being. Be grateful for being able to help others.

29. Festivals

 Festivals are a great way to celebrate life and time with your loved ones. Be grateful for all the festivals you celebrate.

30. House or Living Space

Be grateful that you have a place to live and enjoy life. Be thankful for all the good things it provides to you.

31. Human Being

Say thank you that you got a chance to live as a human being on this planet.

32. Bank Balance and Money

Appreciate what you have saved in your bank account. Doesn’t matter how much, just be thankful for what you have. Say thank you whenever you receive or give money. Do the transaction with love.

33. Life Partner

Appreciate the qualities of your life partner and how it makes your relationship magical.

34. Education

Appreciate the opportunity of getting educated.

35. Spiritual Teachers And Gurus

Spiritual teachers and motivational speakers give us hope for the change. Be grateful when you are inspired by someone.

36. Spiritual Retreats

It’s amazing when we attend any meditation retreat with like minded people at a beautiful natural place.  It feels like we are at home. Say thank you to all the aspects of this experience.

Things to Be Grateful for Health and Well Being

37. Body

Be thankful for your body everyday whenever you see yourself in a mirror. Body is the vehicle through which you experience this life.

what are you grateful for

38. Healthy Food and Drinks

Be thankful for the healthy food and Juices that keeps you healthy.

39. Be Thankful for Being Alive

Everyday is a new opportunity. Be thankful for being alive and experiencing this life.

40. Fresh Air

Be grateful for fresh air that keeps you alive.

41. Good Health

Say thank you for your good health. If you are facing any problem, still focus on the positive aspects of your health and believe that the divine can heal you if you focus on good with faith.

Be thankful for the morning walk, exercises and other things you do to keep yourself fit.

Things to Be Grateful For at Work

42. Your Work

Be thankful for the good aspects of your work and it will be more joyful. Do not blame or complain because it will make your work more stressful. 

If you do not like your work then keep doing it for sometime with gratitude, and during this time work on other sources of income. Focus on new ways or solutions instead of criticising current situations.

43. Money

Be thankful for the money you receive for your work.

gratitude list

44. Work Environment

Be thankful for your work environment and the beautiful office.

45. Good Colleague

  Be thankful for the good people you have worked with.

46. Office Trips

Office trips are a great way of having fun with colleagues.

47. Holidays

Holidays allow us to spend time on what we love in our personal space.

Things in Nature to Be Grateful For

48. Beautiful Snowy Mountains

It looks so beautiful and mesmerizing.

49. Beautiful Rivers and Water Streams

Admire the beauty of flowing water.

50. Trees

Trees provide us oxygen to breathe at the same time they make this planet beautiful and provide us food.

51. Beautiful Cities On the Mountains

Cities surrounded by beautiful snowy mountains and lakes look so beautiful.

52. Beautiful Blue Sky

The vastness of blue sky is amazing.

53. Shining Stars

Shining stars look beautiful in dark nights. It seems like a connection with the source energy.

54. High Altitude Grasslands

High altitude grasslands are so beautiful, It seems like we are on a magical land from fairy tales.

55. Garden

Garden connects us with nature.

56. Flowers

Shows us the beauty of nature.

57. Fresh Vegetables

It keeps us healthy.

58. Beautiful Birds and Animals

All the creation of nature is so beautiful.

59. Sea and Beaches

Sea is a universe in itself. Walking on the beaches takes us away from busy life into the tranquility of nature.

60. Rain

Raindrops feel like blessings from heaven.

So Many Other Things to Be Grateful For

61. Your car or other vehicles

62. Beautiful emotions of love, freedom and joy

63. Free time you get everyday to do something you love

64. The things you love to do

65. Chilling with the friends

66. Bonfire

67. Relax time on weekends

68. Camping in nature

69. hopping in Hypermarket

70. The clothes you have

71. Your Mobile Phone

72. Your Laptop

73. Furniture at your house

74. Having all the basic things to live a good life

75. WI-FI or Internet

76. The good bosses you had during your tenure

77. The great knowledge you received that is helping you change your life

78. The great authors who have helped you in your life journey through their books

79. Great speakers who inspired you through their speech

80. Great people who changed their lives 180 degree and now they are an inspiration to you

81. The electricity and light

82. Connecting with like minded people through social media or internet

83. Pen and paper for journaling

84. Your ability to think about new ideas and working on them

85. The beautiful kitchen you have

86. The amazing recipes you tried

87. Restaurants and hotels you have been

88. The treks you have climbed

89. The stranger you met at any event and now you are close friends

90. The faith you have in Divine

91. Beautiful Paintings

92. The games you love to Play

93. The dance you had at last party or event

94. The beautiful girl or boy you saw on the street

95. The unexpected money you received

96. Your parents brothers and sisters

97. The instant joy and peace you felt at that moment without any particular reason

98. Things made you Laugh

99. For a date with that special person

100. Be thankful for being you. For coming so far on this journey of life. For managing the things at every stage of life that kept you growing

Final Note

These were some gratitude prompts. Most of them are common to many people. You can get an idea from this and include more things from your environment. 

Make it a lifelong habit starting from today.

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