10 Mindfulness Meditation Benefits and Why This is the Most Important Thing in Your Life?

Mindfulness meditation has amazing benefits on our lives. Meditation can be one of the most beautiful and life-changing things for you. This should be an essential part of our daily routine. 

Check out:  how to meditate for beginners.

“You should have built your personality very consciously, but unfortunately for most people, over 90% of their personality is build unconsciously. It is molded by the situations in which they are living and they’re exposed to. If one becomes truly meditative, one of the basic qualities of meditation is, it creates a distance between you and your personality, and then you can make your personality as it is necessary for a particular situation.”Sadguru

Below are the 10 essential mindfulness meditation benefits :

Mindfulness meditation has a lot of physical and spiritual benefits. You can find a lot of real-life stories on how our mind affects our physical reality. Our mindset, our beliefs, our emotions, and our thinking pattern shapes our reality. 

Just close your eyes for a few seconds and compare your thinking pattern with your life circumstances right now. You will find both are almost similar.

Mindfulness Meditation Benefits
Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels

So, if we want to change something in our lives then we need to go inside and change our thinking pattern. Meditation is the best way to gain control over your mind and change it for good.

Below are a few good books on real-life stories, where changing the mind changes outer reality. 

Check out:

2. Mindfulness Meditation Health Benefits

When people release the negative emotions they have been holding inside for a long time, their bodies start to heal. These negative emotions can be unforgiveness, guilt, shame, unworthiness, etc.

To heal ourselves we need to be in a constant state of love, compassion, and joy.

If we consciously try to be in a positive state of mind it seems very hard because at the same time we have a lot of contradicting negative thoughts running in the background of our head.

When we start meditating, we start to stop this negative chatter in our head. If we give a new idea or suggestion to our mind during meditation, our mind accepts it very fast because in that state we are not having any contradicting thoughts.

Our brain creates a pathway for every habit we have. It takes some time to replace old emotions with new emotions. But if we do this regularly with a powerful intention to change, our old mind will surrender one day.

Below are a few good books on healing stories using the mind:

Below are the links to few good videos on Youtube which demonstrate the healing power of meditation:

At the end of this post you will find a  link to an inspiring healing testimonial based on meditation:

3. Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation in the Workplace

Meditation Can Put You in Flow State and Increase Your Productivity.

Most of us like to work with stress and rush because we have been programmed to do so. Work can be done with this approach but you will have to go through stress, unhappiness, and a lot of other difficulties to complete the task. Because what we focus on, comes more into our lives.

Flow is a state of bliss where you are deeply involved in your work with sweet emotions. In this state, you don’t feel time because you are enjoying your work.

Meditation can help us to train our mind to be calm, focused, and passionate. When we are focused on the positive side of anything life becomes easy.

We can not achieve a flow state in the work we hate. That is why everybody is saying “Do what you love.” This is the secret of a happy life and longevity.
Check out this video on the flow:

4. Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

Meditation Can Help You Finding Your Purpose and Designing Your Future.

We have an inner voice that guides us in every moment of life. People call it intuition, higher self, or sixth sense. But when our mind is clouded with negative thoughts and beliefs we don’t hear this voice, we follow our ego and take the wrong direction.

But with regular meditations, we start to see beyond our ego

When we are in the state of no ego we can ask for guidance and design our future by using the power of our intentions.

To put an intention out people use many techniques like prayer, affirmations, visualizations. But for these techniques to work our mind should be clear of contradicting thoughts and only meditation can help us with that.

Meditation Benefits for Brain

Meditation has a lot of benefits on our brain. It can help us reduce depression and anxiety to live a happy life. You can use different meditation techniques to calm your mind and keep it worry free.

Below are the major benefits of meditation for brain:

5. Meditation Can Help You Reduce Anxiety

If we are unhappy with our present situations and too much worried about the future then we want to change everything very fast. When we live in this state of a rush for a long time it becomes anxiety.

With anxiety, we can not achieve anything but only frustration because in anxiety we are focusing only on worries. And what we focus on, comes more in our lives. 

So we need to break the negative loop of worry and endless rush to change things for a good future. Just commit yourself to regular meditations and do it every day for a fixed time, no matter what happens. 

In anxiety, it will feel difficult at the start because your mind will tell you to focus on worries and things going around. 

But know that anxiety is a mental pattern that you have created by practicing it every day. You can replace it with peace by practicing meditation every day. Do it and that moment of bliss will come when your old anxious mind will surrender to peace.

Reducing anxiety is one of the best benefit of mindfulness meditation. Because it is a negative feeling which stop us to achieve positive results.

6. Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Reduce Depression and Worry

Mindfulness meditation has a lot on benefits on our brain.

When we are not able to come out of the negativity from our past, it becomes depression. This is a negative loop running continuously in our mind.

To overcome this, we need to be greater than our mental pattern. It’s possible but It’s a time taking and tough process. 

With meditation, we can train our mind to go into a peaceful state where we can easily reprogram our mind.

We can do this our-self or we can use any guided meditation.

7. Meditation Can Help You Forgive Someone

When we intend something in a meditative state it goes directly into our subconscious mind. So in deep meditation when we send an intention to our higher mind to forgive someone and our mind accepts it. Because in this state our old patterns do not block our way to our subconscious mind. 

When we try to forgive someone in a conscious state our old patterns come our way and try to block our intention. With willpower and dedication, we can do this but most of us use willpower only when we are in a very difficult situation.

You can do it yourself or you can use any guided meditation. Do it regularly until you see any result.

Ho’oponopono is another powerful technique for forgiveness. Where we consciously cleanse old patterns and surrender our life to the higher mind.

“Unforgiveness is like drinking poison yourself and waiting for the other person to die.”- Marianne Williamson

8. Meditation Can Give You Longevity and Great Health Through Compassion

 In Tibet, many people manage to live a healthy and happy life for a very long time. And they believe compassion is the main reason behind this longevity. 

when we have hate, anger, unforgiveness, and other negative emotions, it leads to an unhappy life.

when we release all negative emotions and cultivate love and compassion for each and every being, it leads to magical life. 

Most of us do not come out of these emotions. But believe you are doing this for yourself. You letting your ego create a story in your mind and harm you. it is not affecting the person who you think is the reason for your bad experiences.   

If you really want to come out and cultivate compassion in your life then meditation can help you. Meditation detaches you from ego and connects you with the inner self, which is pure love.

Remember, this life is only an experience and we are here on this planet to live a bigger life through love and compassion, not as a victim crying for everything.

At the end of post you will find a link to loving kindness meditation

9. Meditation Can Improve Your Concentration

Concentration is an essential part of learning meditation. The more you become good with concentration the more good meditator you become. Concentration gradually leads you to the bliss state of meditation where you are nobody, nowhere and, nothing.

Concentration helps you to focus on a single task for a long time. So you can give your all and perfectly finish the task.

You can use Shamatha meditation from Buddhism teachings to increase your concentration.

10. Meditation Can Bring You Out From Reactive Mode to Response Mode

 If we have a cluttered mind, we don’t have control over our responses. Our mind automatically reacts to the situation based on the beliefs we have. And later we regret our reaction.

Regular meditations keep us calm and allow us to analyze the situation before responding.


As you can see meditation is a very powerful practice. There are several benefits of mindfulness meditation It can change your life dramatically. It has power to change humanity for good as well. 

Do share your experiences with meditation & share your feedback on the post.

Important Links:

  1. Here is an inspiring healing testimonial based on meditation
  2. Here is a meditation for loving kindness
Hey, beautiful soul, Can you pause for a while, close your eyes and live this beautiful moment that is passing right now? Just Try !!
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