45 Positive Affirmations for Self-Love to Madly Fall in Love With Oneself

Do you want to love yourself more? Here are 45 positive affirmations for self love that will help you fall in the love with self.

Once we fall in love with ourselves magic starts to happen in our lives. We know this outer world is just a reflection of our inner self, so when we are vibrating with self-love, the whole world starts to love us back.

Positive affirmations for self-love are a great way to reprogram our mind for self-love. There are many other self-love practices that can be followed to madly fall in love with self.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” — Lucille Ball

Why Self-Love it Important?

 I believe self-love is the most important thing in our lives. If we love ourselves everything else will fall into place automatically. So loving ourselves should be our utmost priority irrespective of the situation. Because the situation will change itself when we progress on a self-love journey.

If we don’t love ourselves and then it doesn’t matter how hard we work we will always be in a situation of unworthiness because what is inside that is outside.

What are the Positive Self-Love Affirmations?

We are a product of our beliefs. We have thoughts running constantly in the background of our head. If we don’t love ourselves then most of these auto running thoughts will be negative. 

To change these thoughts we repeat some positive statements on a regular basis, which are called affirmations. 

At the initial level, our mind will not believe in these statements because we already have a hardwired program for self-hate in our brain. 

But when we repeat these statements regularly, intentionally with the emotions of love then our mind will start believing in this. And finally, it will replace old neuron pathways with new ones in our brain.

The key is to repeat positive affirmations for self-love daily with the emotions. You need to make a commitment to yourself to get this done because you need to be greater than your old patterns.

Books on Self-Love with Amazing Stories and Examples

I have been searching for good Self-love material for a very long time. I have read many books and watched many videos. Below two are my favorites. Positive self-Love affirmations are an essential part of these books:

How to Practice Positive Self-Love Affirmations?

1. Check out what negative belief you have that you want to change

2. Select the most suitable positive self-love affirmation for your belief. It’s good to focus on a single affirmation at a time but if a combination of 2-3 affirmations better suits you then do it.

3. Set out 10 Min every morning and repeat the affirmations. We all have an inner child inside us that needs love and healing. Just close your eyes, see this inner child, and speak your affirmations to this inner child. Like “I am in love with you”, “You are and an amazing human being”, “you are worthy of love” etc. Remember emotions are the key. Be in the vibration of pure love while repeating

4. If you love someone very deeply, then how will you feel when they are in front of you and you say to them “I love you”. In the same way and with the same feeling whenever you go in front of a mirror say these words to you: “I am in love with you John”. Replace John with your name in the affirmation. Feel the pure emotion of love while repeating

5. During the day whenever you feel down or get caught by any negative thought, become conscious of your feeling and change it immediately by repeating your affirmation. Remember if you will allow old feelings to get over you then your mind will not release these old patterns. So you need to do it intentionally with a higher vibration.

45 Positive Affirmations for Self-Love

Self-Love Affirmations for Acceptance and Self Worth

1. Life loves me

2. I am in love with myself

3. I am worthy of love

4. I am enough and I have nothing to prove to anybody

5. I am lovable and I deserve all good things in my life

6. I choose the people that choose me

Positive affirmations for self love

7. I am willing to forgive myself

8. I approve myself

9. I am ready to forgive anyone I feel has hurt me

10. I know I just have to love myself, and everything else will take care of itself. Because outer world is a reflection, when the things change inside things change around

11. My task is just to love myself. Everything else I surrender to god. I know he will take care of things better than me

12. I release everything right in this moment and walk into his(God) eternal peace

13. I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment of space and time

14. I let go of my need to be right

15. We are on this planet to learn our lessons, So I embrace my experiences and walk through life with love

16. I am not here on earth to hate or live a limited life. I am an expression of love and I am here to spread pure love to everybody

17. I see my circumstances as an opportunity to grow

18. I surrender my past to the higher intelligence and trust that everything is working for my greatest good

19. Now I know how to live like a master. So I treat everybody with love and compassion, Irrespective of what they have done to me

20. I choose to forgive everyone including myself

21. My circumstances are an opportunity to help me grow

22. With each passing day I am loving myself more and more

23. I surrender, I let it go

Positive self love affirmations

24. I believe in myself and my abilities

Self-Love Affirmation for Healing

25. I give myself permission to heal

26. I set a clear intention and then allow the universe to assemble the path

27. I know my pain is just teaching me a lesson

28. Love heals everything

29. The more I love myself, the more healthier I become

30. My body knows how to heal itself

31. Divine love is flowing through each cell of my body and filling it with joy

Louise Hay Self Love Affirmations

32. I am perfect exactly as I am

33. I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, “I love you, I really love you.”

34. I follow my inner wisdom

35. I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more, and to share that love with all those around me

36. All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe!

37. It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed

38. Every thought we think is creating our future

Self-Love Affirmations for Body Talk

39. I love my body

40. I am beautiful

41. In my journey my body went through different shapes, and I always loved every inch of it

42. Becoming fit is a good thing and I am working for it. But It doesn’t mean I don’t love myself now. I am always in deep love with my body, Irrespective of its shape

43. My body is perfect exactly the way it is

44. I am comfortable in my own skin

Law of Attraction Affirmations for self love

45. I am willing to let go so that creation can manifest itself

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