10 Best Apps for Daily Routine to Build Powerful Habits

We are a byproduct of our habits. Here are 10 apps for daily routine that will help you to build powerful habits.

Children below 8 years don’t have a fully developed conscious or analytical mind. Mostly they are operating directly from the subconscious mind. So they don’t argue for anything. 

They are in download mode so whatever information comes it goes directly to their subconscious mind. This is the age where most negative or positive beliefs are adopted by our mind based on the environment we are in.

That’s why I think parenting is the most important thing which should be taught in the schools because many parents are just feeding negative information & behavior to their children without knowing that it’s creating their future.

But as an adult, we have a fully developed conscious mind so we don’t accept any new habit very easily. Because our old beliefs block our way. 

The best way to learn a habit for an adult is repetition. When we repeat something multiple times then our mind accepts it as important and true and makes a neuron pathway in the brain for this habit.

For example, learning driving or any new skill. Repetition is the key to replace old habits with a new ones.

Setting up a daily routine is the best way to build a new habit. At the start, you can find it difficult but once you repeat it for many days your mind will accept it and it will feel easy.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”-Aristotle

What is The Best Daily Routine?

Daily routines can help you in learning a new skill and filling you with positivity for the day.

To plan a daily routine select some areas of your life where you think you need to work on. Incorporate the activities in your daily routine that will help you improve the area.

Apart from your own activities, below are few activities which are common for many people and you should also incorporate into your routine:

1. Meditation: Our mindset controls our life. Meditation is the best way to take control of your mind and use it for good. It also helps you reduce stress and anxiety.

There are several other benefits of meditation that you can find here. Meditation should be a must-have habit for everyone because it will affect all other areas of your life. Just start with a commitment and a 10 min meditation. Let’s see where it leads you.

2. Gratitude: What we focus on grows. What we see around us is an expansion of the things we bring into our consciousness regularly.

If we focus on problems we bring more problems. If we focus on the good and become thankful, we bring more of it. Writing about 10 things daily that you are grateful for leads you towards a positive happy life.

Gratitude daily routine quotes

3. Exercise: Our body is the vehicle through which we experience this life. It’s our duty to love and take care of our bodies.

Exercise is a great way to express your love for your body. If you can’t do it for a longer time just stretch for 5-10 minutes. It will tell your mind that you care about your body and your mind will form a pathway for this. 

4. Affirmation: Create a positive statement of your goal and repeat it for 5 minutes in the morning.

Affirmations help us create a new belief in our brain if we repeat them continuously with the emotional charge.

Our mind understands emotions, without emotions any statement is just a combination of the words for our mind.

Emotions give meaning to the statement.

5. Visualization: Our mind is unable to find a difference between imagination and reality if we visualize something with vividness and using all our senses.

When we rehearse something in our mind for a longer period of time, our mind accepts it. Once our mind accepts it, our mind starts looking for the proofs which will strengthen that belief.

So daily visualization will train your mind to look for the good and bring positive opportunities in your life.

Create a 5 Minutes movie story of any event that you want to bring into your experience. Every day repeat this story in your mind vividly. Use all your senses and feelings.

Sooner you will find your mind will create events that will take you in the direction of your goal or the story you have created.

The key is, you have to live the event in your mind many times before the actual event happens. 

6. Reading : If you read a lot of books then no matter in which situation you are in you will always find a way out.

Because through books, you are getting the experiences of other people that you can apply in any situation.

Reading is feeding your mind with positive information that will make you happy and productive.

Meditation and book reading are two habits I think you should start from today for the rest of your life.

Miracle Morning book daily routine

I have read many books on daily routines.

Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod is the best book I found.

This is an amazing book, if you want to read a book on morning routine I will only recommend Miracle Morning.

How to Make a Daily Routine?

Check out how much time you can spend on these activities every day. Start small because your focus should be on forming a habit, not getting bored with it. 

For example, do not start meditating for hours if you are new to this, because it will create a feeling of frustration, that we don’t want. 

The purpose of the daily routine is to improve the quality of our lives so make sure we feel good while doing this.

Do an activity for a shorter period of time everyday. Once you are comfortable with it and enjoying it then you can increase the time.

Start with the activities mentioned in the previous topic for the first two months. After that, you can add other activities of your choice. Don’t burden yourself at the start. 

The purpose of all these activities is to make you feel good. If you do this with a feeling of anxiety and resentment, it will not benefit you because you are performing from the old self. You need to become a new you.

If you do not like digital products much then you can manage all your habits in a Journal. But if you don’t have much time to manage a physical journal you can use below apps for daily routine.

10 Android Apps for Daily Routine

apps for daily routine

Apps for a Good Morning Routine

  1. Insight Timer

 Insight Timer will make your life easy with morning meditations. It has over 60,000 free meditations and music tracks. It also runs a lot of meditation courses and challenges.

But the best feature I like about this meditation is it has a meditation timer feature with a Tibetan gong sound. 

I love this feature because most of the time I meditate using this timer and it makes me feel like I am meditating in a Buddhist monastery.

The same timer feature you can use for your affirmations and visualizations.

Insight Timer daily routine meditation app_1
Insight Timer daily routine meditation app_2

Download Link: Android

  1. Presently: A Gratitude Journal App

To write daily gratitude I have used many apps so far, but most of them were bulky with many other features. 

Presently is the best and simplest app I found to write gratitude. It is dedicated only to write the gratitude list. It makes writing gratitude very easy and simple. 

Since I started using this app, I didn’t miss writing my daily gratitude. I always write 10 things I am grateful for.

Presently is one of the best apps for daily routine. That will put you in gratitude zone.

Presently daily routine app Gratitude Journal_1
Presently daily routine app Gratitude Journal

Download Link: Android

  1. Lucidity – Lucid Dream Journal

Writing your dreams can be an amazing idea. Most of the time we don’t focus on our dreams and forget about them. 

Writing your dream will help you remember your dreams. This habit can make you boost your creativity. 

Also, sometimes we get important ideas in the dreams that we were looking for.

Lucidity is a great app for this purpose that will connect you with the dream world.

Lucidity dream journal app_1

Download Link: Android

  1. Waking Up: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness

Many people find it difficult to meditate on their own. There are many great guided meditation apps are out there which can be your meditation companion. 

Waking Up with Sam Harris is an amazing meditation app I found. The course offers practical exercises and the theory behind them. 

The techniques offered in this course are unique and good because Sam Harris has practiced meditation for over 30 years and has studied with many Tibetan, Indian, Burmese, and Western meditation teachers.

Headspace and Calm are two other great applications that many people prefer.

waking up sam harris meditation app_1
waking up sam harris meditation app_2

Download Link: Android

  1. I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock

 If you are a working person then to be persistent in your daily habits you need to wake up a bit early.

If a regular alarm doesn’t work for you then you can use “

I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock” app. It has 8 tasks, you can choose any of them. The alarm will stop playing once you complete the task. Barcode scan is my favorite one. I have used it a lot.

– Math – do some math equations

– Memory – find pairs for each colored tile

– Order – set tiles in the correct order

– Repeat – repeat shown click sequence

– Barcode – you have to get out of bed to scan the code. You can place the barcode in the bathroom, kitchen, or any other place

– Rewrite – carefully rewrite the randomly generated text

– Shake – shake your phone until you feel awake

– Match – connect word pairs – has built-in Capital-Country collection, but you can easily make your own, for example with words in different languages!

I cant wake up alarm app_1
I cant wake up alarm app_2

Download Link: Android

Apps for Daily Routine ToDoLists and Checklists

Planning the tasks in advance is a great way to manage time and productivity. Below are my favorite apps for managing tasks. 

These apps also provide a reminder feature to send you a notification at a given time.

  1. Google Keep – Notes and Lists

Google Keep is a good to-do checklist app you can use. It provides many cool features:

  • You can create multiple lists
  • You can create a simple note or a checklist
  • You can use different colors for different lists
  • You can set a reminder
  • You can see and use it from your computer also. This is a Google product that will be connected through your mail id on Mobile and PC.
Google Keep Notes and todolist app_1
Google Keep Notes and todolist app_2

Download Link: Android

  1. ColorNote Notepad Notes

We get a lot of ideas during our day. Many times we miss these ideas because we do not write them down and later we regret that. 

Color Note is a very simple, beautiful, and handy application that you can keep on the home screen of your phone. 

Whenever a new idea pops up in your mind just open the app and write it down. 

This app also provides a checklist option with reminders.

ColorNote Notes and todolist app_1

Download Link: Android

Apps for Daily Routine Reminders and Activity Tracking

  1. Habit Tracker 

Once you are ready with a daily routine plan then it’s good to track your daily performance. 

Habit Tracker is a good app to do that. Here you can list all the habits you want to track, you can set reminders for the habits, and every day you can input your performance.

Once you achieve a milestone for your habits you will feel very motivated

Habit Tracker daily routine tracking app
Habit Tracker daily routine tracking app

Download Link: Android

Loop Habit Tracker is another amazing and beautiful habit tracking app with custom reminders.

  1. Spendee – Budget and Expense Tracker & Planner

Finance is a very important part of our life. We all need to learn to manage our expenses. Spendee is a great app to do that. Below are the key features:

  • Budgets – to help you stick to your financial goals
  • Wallets – organize your cash, bank accounts, or different financial occasions
  • Shared Finances – to efficiently manage money with partners or flatmates
  • Multiple Currencies – to handle vacation finances with ease
  • Labels – to mark and analyze transactions in more depth
  • Secure Data Sync – to keep your details private, confidential and safe
Spendee daily expanse tracking app_1
Spendee daily expanse tracking app_1

Download Link: Android

Few Other Apps You Can Use Daily To Make a Positive Mindset

  1. The Secret To Money by Rhonda Byrne

Our life is a reflection of the mindset we are carrying on. Most of us have been negatively programmed for the money. For example, money is bad, money is evil, we don’t deserve money, we are not worthy to have financial freedom, etc. 

The Secret To Money app is created by The Secret team and Rhonda Bryne. Below are the features of the app that will help you build a positive money mindset:

  • You can write down your 7 desires and read them every day
  • Every day they will send a virtual cheque to you that you can spend in the application on whatever you want. 
  • Manifested Money entry
  • Daily Inspirations
  • Affirmations
  • Giving: In this practice, you record all the ways that you have given to others
The secret to money app Rhonda Byrne
The secret to money app Rhonda Byrne

Download Link: Amazon


Daily habits are very powerful. Do share your feedback on these apps for daily routine. If you have other app ideas for daily routine, Do Share!!

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