10 Best Selling Self Help Books of All Time That Shifted Something Inside Me

 In this article we will discus about 10 best selling self-help books. I love reading books and I have read many good books so far. 

But sometimes we come across a book that gives us goosebumps and shifts something in us. Which gives us extreme energy and put us on a path of self-transformation. 

Below are the 10 best selling self help books that put me in another state of consciousness while I was reading them. These books showed me the invisible realm of our reality.

“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.”
— William Styron

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best selling self help books

When author was going through a very tough time in his life he wrote a letter to god. After that, a voice started to appear in his head. This voice was answering all his questions. 

He asked all kinds of questions to this voice about life, who we are, our purpose, suffering, how we are created etc.

This book is about the conversation between author and the voice. There are a lot of questions and answers in this book.  I believe it will give answers to many of your questions too.

2. Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

best selling self help books

 Although this book is based on the life events of Swami Paramahansa Yogananda. But each chapter of this book is a miracle in itself. 

This book shows the real potential of the human mind. Once we know who we really are anything is possible. 

This book is full of real miracle stories that will ignite something inside you. 

This book will show you a way of self-realization and concurring the game of life. This book has got worldwide recognition. It is recommended by many great people. This was the favorite book of Steve jobs.

This book was distributed in the memorial service of Steve Jobs as a farewell gift. This book carries a message of Self-Actualization

You must read this book, it will open new dimensions in your life. I believe it’s a treasure to the modern world.

3. Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss

best selling self help books

Many lives many masters is a collection of true events that happened between the author and a young patient.

Author Brain L. Weiss is a psychiatrist, One day a young lady comes to him. This lady is going through a very difficult phase of her life, Nothing was working in her life and she was suffering from anxiety attacks.

Author tried hypnotherapy to find the root cause of her problem and to fix it. During these hypnotherapy sessions, this patient recalls her past lives. This experience changed the life of both the psychiatrist and the patient. 

In these sessions, the young lady also goes through the transition state from one life to another life. She shares all the details of life after death.

Sometimes when the patient is in a transition state during the hypnotherapy sessions, spirit guides speak through her and share the important facts about life with the author.

This true story will help you to think about life from a broader angle.

4. Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani

best selling self help books

After spending a major part of her life in fear, negativity, and pleasing others finally Anita Moorjani found herself dying in a hospital bed. 

When she was in the last state she had a profound near death experience. When her consciousness was out of her body, she was able to hear or see wherever her focus goes.

 In this experience, she went to another realm of consciousness and found the answer to all her suffering. 

After coming back to her body within few weeks she was completely healed because her beliefs were changed and beliefs create our reality. This book is a perfect example of how our beliefs create our reality and everything around us is a reflection of our internal state even our body.

5.The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer

best selling self help books

This one is  one of my favorite best selling self help books. It shows a practical way to surrender and let the miracle happen.

Life is made to be perfect and beautiful. But when we use our free will in a negative way we tend toward suffering.

When we surrender everything to the higher power our life starts to come back on track. Miracles start to happen in our lives which we were blocking from our free will of choosing.

Author wanted to stop the voice that is continuously running in our head. Author used meditation to stop this voice and surrender everything.

Once the author was surrendered completely, miraculous events started to take place in his life.

This book shows the power of meditation and surrender.

6. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

best selling self help books
This book is about a fictional story of a rich lawyer who was not happy with his life. After suffering from stress for a long time and getting a heart attack, he decided to sell everything and go to the Himalayan mountains in search of wisdom.

In this fable, he meets the sages of Himalaya, who teaches him seven important lessons about life which changes the lawyer’s life completely.

This story shows us that only financial and material success can not make us happy.  We need to create a balance between our physical and spiritual life.

7. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

best selling self help books

How we think and feel, affects our outer reality.

If we change our attitude from worry to possibilities, life becomes magical. 

It’s a masterpiece that teaches how to quit worry and overthinking and adopt positive thinking.

This is an amazing book with amazing methods and people’s stories who changed the situation by thinking positively.

This book has the power to change your mood and show you the path out of any situation.

8. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

best selling self help books

This is also one of my favorite best selling self-help books. This book shows how powerful our subconscious mind is. 

If we imprint something on our subconscious mind it will surely come to pass. 

In this book, author teaches how to imprint any idea on the subconscious mind, and once it is imprinted subconscious mind will make it true in outer reality.

Giving positive suggestions to the mind is one of the best methods to imprint any idea on the subconscious mind. 

 In this book, author shares a lot of suggestions and real-life stories where people changed their lives using these suggestions. 

This book will teach you how to create and repeat suggestion for the solution of any problem until it is imprinted on your subconscious mind.

9.Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

best selling self help books

Think and grow rich is a masterpiece everyone must read once. This is one of the best selling self-help books of all time.

Andrew Carnegie the most successful man at that time asked Napoleon Hill to interview the most successful people and find a formula for success. 

Napoleon Hill interviewed over 500 successful people and found a formula for success. 

Based on his research Napoleon Hill created 13 principles that can help anyone to achieve their goals.

In this book, you will read thirteen principles that can help you achieve your desires. 

Many people have followed this book and achieved huge success.

10. Zero Limits by Joe Vitale

best selling self help books

This book is about Hoʻoponopono. Hoʻoponopono is a Hawaiian technique of forgiveness. 

In Hoʻoponopono it is believed that everything in our physical reality is a manifestation of our internal world.

So we are 100% responsible for our reality. And if we want to change something in our life we need to correct the error inside us that is causing this problem. 

When we start cleansing using Hoʻoponopono and completely surrender to higher intelligence everything starts to changes. 

In this book, you will also read the story of Dr. Hew Len who cured a ward of criminally mentally ill patients just by using Hoʻoponopono without even seeing them physically.

It’s a powerful technique you can use in any area of your life. When you erase your old metal pattern for any person or situation using Hoʻoponopono, that person and situation will change in reality.

If you are interested  in Hoʻoponopono you can also check out this book : The Easiest Way by Mabel Katz

Final Note on These Best Selling Self-Help Books

These were my top 10 best selling self-help books. Books have the power to show you the way out of any situation. These books have really helped me in difficult situations in life. 

Without the outer knowledge, we just keep working under the limit of our mind. Books allow us to think and act from a bigger angle.

If you read these books you will surely notice some changes in your old belief system. Do share your experiences with these books.

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