Life Struggle : 30 Positive Thoughts to Help You Keep Going

Life Struggle, Here are 30 positive thoughts that will help you to go through the difficult time.  

Tough time comes to teach us a lesson. When you learn the lesson it will leave you. Life struggles are not here to punish you, They are here to take you where you belong to.

“You are not alone in the struggles of life. Entire cosmos is with you. It evolves through the way you face and overcome challenges of life. Use everything in your advantage.” – Amit Ray

life struggle quotes

A Life Struggle Bible Verse for Hope :

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6

Life Struggle Bible Verse

30 Positive Thoughts on Life Struggle

Below are the 30 positive thoughts on life struggle:

  1. Do not take life so seriously, we are on this planet to have our experiences and learn our lessons. Each situation we are in is a challenge we need to overcome to learn our lesson. So be a master not victim, accept what you can’t change, forgive everyone and surrender to love
  2. Life is a result of the choices we make, doesn’t matter in which situation we are in, we still have power to choose to laugh, which will dramatically change everything
  3. Have faith, most of the people who have done great things, once hit the rock bottom
  4. The struggle you are facing is breaking your beliefs so that you can become a new you and embrace what belongs to you
  5. You are here in this situation because you chose to live a life beyond the beliefs of society. Don’t worry, old patterns take some time to be shattered. I can see a sunrise coming, can you?
  6. Appreciate yourself because you chose to live on purpose instead of a copied life.
  7. Life is made to be magical, only our egoistic mind patterns are dragging us into the dark. Just surrender to life and be at peace at this moment. You will witness miracles happening
  8. If you know what is your purpose and destiny then follow it with passion. If you don’t know the surrender to life, it will take you where you belongs to
  9.  In the game of surrender trust is the key to win. If you can trust 100%, your ego will lose and life will take charge
  10. God is not punishing you he is leading you to a great life because you do not belong to a average life
  11. Our attitude in any situation decides the next situation we will be in. Positive attitude leads to positive situation, negative to negative situation
  12. Our focus is bringing things into our life. Where are you focusing right now?
  13. You have been sad for so long, did it help? No. So  be happy now and see 
  14. You are free, you always have been. just put your ego aside surrender your problem to higher power and experience the freedom at this moment
  15.  Life is happy for happy people and life is sad for sad people, what are you going to choose?
life struggle thoughts
  1. Life becomes struggle when we try to control everything, just lose your grip and let the life flow like your breath
  2. Life wants to flow, it wants to touch the glories but you are holding it with your small mind. Let it flow
  3. No matter where life will take me, I am going to trust and surrender everything. My only job is to be at peace now because I know everything will be taken care properly
  4. My ego ruled my life for a long and I was never happy, Once I handed over my problems to universe things started changing very fast
  5. Do not try to control the outer world, just work on your mind to be happy and to be at peace. And you will be amazed how outer world will match with your inner state
  6. I am in the dark but when I close my eyes I can see the pure sparkling white light coming from the sky and enveloping me with love. I know the day is close, the day when I will be dancing with the life
  7. Life wants to dance with you, just don’t be shy and stay at a corner. Move a leg with it
  8. Tomorrow when everything is fine then I will be happy, then I will accept and forgive people, then I will live in Joy. Do it today my friend and life will fix itself
  9. If you compare your inner state with the physical situation you are in.  you will find both are almost similar. Outer situation you can’t change but why don’t you change your inner world
  10. In hard times, how you respond to the situations makes a bigger difference
  11. No matter where you are, there is always a way out. Any moment can change your life completely
  12. In future one day you will look back at this time, you will smile and you will be thankful to this time, because it took you where you really belonged to
  13. Miracles are true. They can happen any moment. Prepare for it
  14.  You are not alone, There is a force looking after you. Have faith 
  15. Ask yourself “Why this struggle is here. What does it want to teach me”. Once you find the answer, boldly act upon it. Don’t wait for the good time to to change your mind patterns

Final Note on Life Struggles

One day when you will see back, you will laugh at this time. You will have no anger but the gratitude for this period in your life.

Because this tough time taught you how to be a master of life to avoid a mediocre life.

Life struggles are here to shape you. Nothing is permanent , so your current situation. 

Believe me in some time you will be living a great life because of what you learned in this tough time.

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