Inspirational Words for Kids : 100 Encouraging, Positive Things to Say to Kids

Inspirational words for kids can help you become a good parent. With these encouraging words for kids, you can prepare your child for a better future and at the same time, it will change your mind as well.

If you know how to raise a child you can make your child’s life very easy. Try to keep your child away from all kinds of negative words, negative behavior, negative news and other sources of negativity.

Why Positive Affirmations for Kids are Important?

Proper parenting is one of the most important things in this world. Good parenting can create a good world, whereas bad parenting can lead to more negativity in this world.

Children up to 8 years don’t have a fully developed analytical mind. In this time their brain works in lower brainwave frequencies

So in this age, they are in a download mode, whatever comes goes directly into their subconscious mind whether positive or negative. So without knowing you are forming the future of your kids. 

This process is created by nature so that we can learn very fast about the things that are important for our survival.

But with the good things, we also adopt a lot of negative beliefs from our environment, parents, and society. 

100 encouraging phrases for kids

Many parents are filling their children’s minds with a lot of negativity unknowingly without knowing the consequences. 

Once a belief is made, it takes a lot of effort to change it when we are grown up. 

Many people battle with a lot of negativity in their life just because their parents unknowingly filled their minds with negative and abusive behavior. 

So if you know this and you want to feed good information and behavior in your child’s mind then keep saying good things to them. 

Below are few inspirational words for kids that you can keep repeating to them in day to day life.

Inspirational Words for Kids

Say these inspiring words to your kids, even if you are not living in a positive situation right now. Maybe these sentences don’t fit in your life at this moment but make them a part of your child’s life. With passing time you will realize these positive phrases for kids are changing your mindset as well.

Here is the list of 100 encouraging phrases for kids :

  1. Life is so beautiful
  2. You will become a great person and a great human being
  3. Life is very easy
  4. Life is fun
  5. Money is a good thing
  6. Money comes very easily into our lives
  7. You will become a kind person
  8. You will become a rich person
  9. You will do what you love to do
  10. You have a kind heart and you will help other people in your life
  11. You are a positive person
  12. We love you so much
  13. You are lovable, everybody loves you
  14. You are brave
  15. You are confident
inspirational words for kids
  1. You are going to have an amazing life
  2. You are beautiful
  3. You are Intelligent, You will become very good at your studies
  4. You will earn money very easily by doing what you love to do
  5. You will become an amazing human being
  6. Everybody will love to listen you
  7. You have a mesmerizing appearance  
  8. Everybody appreciate you
  9. You will treat all the animals and pets with respect
  10. You are unique
  11. You will always be happy
  12. This life is a gift
  13. You will become a great leader
  14. You will be thankful for the good things in life
inspirational words for kids
  1. You are a good human being you will treat everyone with respect irrespective of their designation
  2. You are enough
  3. You are perfect
  4. You will make a difference
  5. Money comes easily
  6. Happiness and Joy are the core of life
  7. Everybody respect you
  8. You are strong
  9. You are important
  10. We believe in you
  11. You are wonderful
  12. You will work on what you love to do
  13. You are an amazing human being
  14. You are kind
  15. You are loved
  16. You are passionate
inspirational words for kids
  1. You are enthusiastic
  2. You will love what you do
  3. You are an unique human being so you have your unique gifts to give to this world
  4. You will help make this world a more better place
  5. We are proud of you
  6. You are special
  7. You will always love yourself
  8. You will live a rich, beautiful life
  9. Great ideas comes to you and you will do great things in your life
  10. You follow your heart
  11. You are fearless
  12. People love to listen when you speak
  13. You are a good communicator
  14. You are always happy and excited
  15. This world needs you
  1. You will always focus on the solution
  2. If you can believe on something, you can achieve it
  3. Mistakes are good teachers, they help you learn
  4. You are limitless
  5. You are unstoppable
  6. You give love and receive love
  7. You will always meet great and amazing people in your life
  8. Your friends, colleagues, business partners and life partner, all will be kind and amazing human beings
  9. This world is very beautiful
  10. This world is full of amazing,  beautiful and kind people
  11. You are confident
  12. You speak with confidence
inspirational words for kids
  1. Every moment of your life is going to be magical
  2. You always see the positive side of any situation
  3. You live in the present and appreciate the beauty of this passing moment
  4. You love to medite, because it keep us calm and peaceful
  5. Everyday you say thank you to god for the good things in your life
  6. You will love to go out on walk 
  7. You love to wake up early and do exercises to keep yourself fit
  8. You love your body
  9. You care about your body and feed healthy food to it
note of encouragement to a child
  1. You have power to forgive people very easily
  2. You see everyone with the love and compassion
  3. Compassion is the key to happiness
  4. You love donating money to make this world a better place
  5. You love to help others
  6. You will have enough money to live your dreams
  7. I am sure you will live each of your dreams
  8. Having fun is your first priority in life
  9. Failure is just a step to success
  10. You have a healthy lifestyle
Positive affirmations for kids
  1. You are peaceful
  2. You will surrender to god what you can’t control
  3. God is always there to help you
  4. God is always with you
  5. You will live an amazing, beautiful and magical life
  6. You love animals and donate for their well being
  7. You feed birds and animals whenever you get a chance
  8. You love and care for the nature
  9. You love planting trees and make this planet
Positive words for kids
Final Note

I hope you understand now how important it is to raise your kids with love and positivity. Childs are more suggestive to any information. They are in a download mode, They accept everything you say to them. 

So feed them with love and happiness. Not with sadness, anger, guilt, shame or any other negative emotions. I hope these inspirational words for kids will help you to start a happy parenting journey.

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