15 Motivational Quotes in Hindi for Success and Inspiration

These motivational quotes in Hindi for success will inspire you to move forward in life. These motivational thoughts in Hindi will encourage you when you feel down in life. 

We all know that our mindset plays an important role in the success of the task we are working on. 

Our thoughts, emotions and attitude towards the task, determine the result of the task. Of course we have to work for that. 

But if we work hard on something with a negative mindset we will not get the desired results. But if we work with a positive attitude, things will be executed in a much powerful and easier way. 

Some of these Hindi motivational quotes will make you aware of the power of your mind and how you can get success by harnessing the power of your mind and understanding that there is an invisible power that is always working with us.

I will explain the meaning of these motivational thoughts in English so you can make a better grip on the meaning of these motivational quotes.

Below are some powerful motivational quotes in Hindi. Read them, understand the meaning of them and apply these motivational thoughts in your life.

Motivational Thoughts in Hindi


motivational quotes in hindi

Don’t limit your mind to what you think you can do or you cannot. What is possible for one person is also possible for another. This world is full of possibilities. Each moment a new opportunity is waiting for you if you can come out of your limited mindset. 

Just say, “Everything is possible in this world.” “Everything is possible for me.”


Be positive every morning when you wake up. Instead of focusing on the problems, focus on the solutions and start working on the solutions with an unshakable positive attitude.


If you have negative people around you who criticize your dreams with their limited mindset, then you do not focus on them, focus on your dreams, work on your dreams and one day this process will take you far away from these kinds of people in a new world where you will only find the encouraging & successful people like you.


motivational quotes in hindi

This world is an invisible matrix of unlimited possibilities. When we start concentrating on a new reality, our mind starts to bring that reality into our experience. Imagination or visualization is an important process to envision the future. 

So every day for 10-15 minutes just close your eyes and see the future you want to create in the eye of your mind. Feel that future, live that future in your mind like everything is happening right now. 

Our mind cannot differentiate between a real event and a vivid imagination about that event. If you do this process regularly your mind will consider that event as true and once our mind is convinced of something it will do everything to bring that into our experience.


motivational quotes in hindi

To remove a fear we need to face the fear and go beyond it. So if you are fearful about something, use your willpower and do it anyway.

Quotes in Hindi


quotes in hindi

Your attitude decides the quality of your life. If you have a positive attitude towards life you will see good opportunities, people, places, and events in your life. 

If you live with a negative attitude you will attract negative circumstances in your life. So always be positive and optimistic about whatever you are doing.

Every morning be grateful and appreciate the good things you have in your life and have a positive vision for the day ahead.


quotes in hindi

If you have positive beliefs about the things you are working on, then you will see the opportunities. Or if you have a negative mindset and you feel that this will not work, then you will see the obstacles on your way. 

  1. “I can do it”, 
  2. “I may or may not do it”, 
  3. “I cannot do it” 

These three are three different realities for your mind. Wherever you focus more, your mind will bring that into your experience. So always be aware of where you are focusing and what you feel about the things you are working on.


quotes in hindi

You need to be determined every morning towards your goals and dreams and work on that with a plan. It will help you to sleep peacefully at night. 

If you wake up with a boring attitude and procrastinate the things you will not feel good at the end of the day.


quotes in hindi

Do not let your fears control your life. Focus on your dream and let it move you through all those fears.


quotes in hindi

If you want to do something and you are passionate about it, you will not complain about time. 

Do not work on multiple things at a time. See what is most important for you at this moment which resonates something in you. Start working on that with all your heart.

Hindi Motivational Thoughts


Unsuccessful people focus on the problems in life. Whereas successful people focus on the things that they want to achieve in life.

If you wake up with a boring attitude and procrastinate the things you will not feel good at the end of the day.


motivationl thoughts Hindi

Whatever you do, do with all your heart. If you have started working on something do not doubt just keep working with all you have. Give all your focus to it and you will see the results.

Once you start getting results in whatever you are doing, you will feel confident in doing the new things. But if you switch from one task to another without completing it you will feel demoralized. 

Focus on one task at a time. Create a proper plan and work on it. Work with focus and a positive attitude without any distractions.


motivationl thoughts Hindi

If you feel the time is difficult now. You don’t see any result coming out of your work. You feel stuck and fed up. 

In that situation you can be angry; you can cry but still do not stop working on the tasks. Keep working, these difficulties are just tests you need to go through to achieve a greater version.


motivationl thoughts Hindi

If you want to move forward, you want to create a new reality then you need to let go of things that are holding you back. Release the past, be free and focus on a new beginning


motivationl thoughts Hindi

Today life has given you another chance to create a life of your vision. So let go of what has happened. Let’s start again with a new mindset.


Childhood is the main stage in the life of a person. Because this is the time where we receive most of our beliefs. 

I feel parenting is one of the most important things in this world. If we do it properly we can raise happy children, which will make a happy world. 

I feel this must be taught in all the schools so that parents can understand how their words, behavior, and acts are forming the future of their children. 


If you are a parent of going to be a parent or you have children around you please read this post to understand how a child’s mind works and how you can help them become a better person:

Parenting Tips : How You Can Raise Happy Kids and Make Them Superhuman

Final Thoughts on Above Motivational Quotes in Hindi

I hope you have learned something from these Motivational Quotes in Hindi. Motivation helps us keep moving when we feel down.

But motivation alone cannot make you successful. You need to act and work on your goals, motivation will help you to be optimistic about your goals.

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