You Are Amazing : 45 Positive Affirmations You Should Say Yourself Daily

“You are amazing, You are lovable, You are worthy, You are enough”. Because you exist. 

Many of us think that we are not valuable. But see we all have a unique fingerprint, unique face, unique retina, and many other unique things.

Creator has made us with the same value as everyone else. 

We have been programmed by our environment since our childhood in a negative way. It’s time to change that. 

You don’t need to know how it will happen, you just need to be willing to change. Once we are willing to change new paths will be unfolded because our thoughts have creative power.

Affirmations are self-talk that we consciously say to ourselves until it becomes a part of our subconscious

Self-talk is very important. Most of the time our self-talk is on autopilot mode. We are just speaking negative things to ourselves based on the beliefs we have stored in our minds, without even noticing it consciously. 

It’s time to consciously change our self-talk by using affirmations

Our minds learn things by repetition. We created these negative beliefs by repeating them again and again.

 In the same way, we can create a positive belief by repeating it again and again.

you are amazing
Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

It will just require your willingness to change and a commitment to do it at any cost.

And, with our willingness and practice, once we adopt a new belief, we will notice changes in our physical environment. Because whatever we believe comes into our life.

A beautiful Quote on Self-Talk

“Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”- ― Germany Kent

How to Use Affirmations

Repeat these affirmations to yourself everyday. You can repeat these affirmations in following ways :

  • Set aside 10-15 Minutes everyday and repeat any of the affirmation with a willingness to change. Feel the feeling that your new version will feel after adopting this belief. Whatever you say is a message you are putting out into the universe
  • Whenever you see yourself in mirror repeat any self-love affirmation to yourself
  • Whenever an old negative belief comes in your mind during the day, repeat your affirmation to change the self talk and change your mood. Become aware and do it consciously in every situation. Do not let your old pattern be greater then your willingness.
Life is beautiful

45 “You are Amazing” Affirmations

Note: We are using the name “Sam” in many affirmations. When you are repeating these affirmations, replace your name with “Sam”.

  1. You are amazing, Sam
  2. You are lovable, Sam
  3. I am in love with you, Sam
  4. You are enough
  5. You are a good person
you are amazing affirmation
  1. I am perfect as I am 
  2. I approve and accept myself as I am
  3. I give love and receive love
  4. I am willing to change my life
you are amazing affirmation (1)
  1. I am safe and secure
  2. I am beautiful
  3. Life loves me
you are amazing affirmation (2)
  1. I am willing to forgive everyone
  2. I am willing to release negative patterns
  3. I am willing to surrender all my problems to divine
  4. I am wonderful exactly as I am right now
  5. I am at peace at this moment of space and time
  6. I enjoy the present and let the life take care of everything else
  7. I am willing to experience the beauty of this life
  8. I am willing to have love and compassion for everyone
  9. Forgiveness is the path to true healing
  10. We came from love and one day we will dissolve in the same love
  11. We are here to learn our lessons, I believe I will learn my lesions in a good way
  12. I am willing to forgive and release 
  13. Unforgiveness, anger and hate are part of a victim mentality, love and compassions are the weapons of masters
  14. We are here to experience love and joy
  15. Pure love heals everything
  16. I have power to change a negative thought into positive one
  17. I only choose the positive thoughts
  18. Love finds me everywhere I Go
  19. Everything is working in my favor
you are amazing affirmation (3)
  1. Life is an amazing experiance
  2. Money comes to me easily by doing what I love
  3. Every moment of my life is a miracle
  4. I love myself, as I am
  5. I am on my way to financial freedom
  6. God guides me at each step
  7. Amazing ideas comes to me 
  8. Miraculous events take place to bring me what I desire
  9. My life is a bliss
  10. Everyone around me wants to see me happy and successful
  11. Amazing people appear in my life from nowhere, whenever I need help
  12. I don’t feel working, everything is happening effortlessly
  13. I have enough so I choose to help others
  14. My life is full of joy and celebration
you are amazing affirmation (4)


This affirmation has helped me a lot to be positive and hopeful when I was going through difficult paths. 

I am willing to forgive and release

Final Words on You are Amazing Affirmations

So, believe you are amazing. And once you believe it amazing things will come into your life. Because what we believe comes into our life. 

Look at yourself and your life right now. You will find it is a result of the beliefs you are holding inside yourself. 

We are living in a vast program, where our inner world and outer world go hand in hand. A small change in the inner world will be reflected in the outer world

5 Affirmations You Should Say Yourself Daily
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