Subconscious Mind vs Conscious Mind : Gateway to a Journey Deep Within

We have heard a lot of mystical stories and experiences from people around the world. We have read the stories of common people doing supernatural things using the power of the mind. These all stories start from our minds. Today in this article we will dig deep about our subconscious mind, conscious mind, and subconscious mind vs conscious mind.

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Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. -Earl Nightingale

“Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.” -Joseph Murphy

Books on Subconscious Mind

Below are some popular books about the subconscious mind :

1. The power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

In The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy explains about different techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind. Auto- Suggestion is the best technique used by the author in this book. This book is full of real-life stories of people who used Joseph Murphy’s techniques and changed their life.

2. The Magic of Believing

The Magic of Believing is another masterpiece on the power of the human mind written by Claude M. Bristol. The language of this book is so powerful that it can connect you with another realm of possibilities.

3. The game of Life and How to Play it

The game of life and how to play it is written by  Florence Scovel Shinn. This book shows how the power of spoken words with deep faith can completely change the course of life for a human being.

4. The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind

The Genie Within Your Subconscious Mind is an amazing creation by Harry W Carpenter. This book explains the working of our subconscious mind in detail. It will inspire you to change your subconscious patterns to change your life.

What is the Conscious Mind

How to Use Positive Affirmations

In psychology, the conscious mind is considered a smaller part of our mind structure. A conscious mind is an analytical or thinking mind. This mind works as a gatekeeper to our subconscious mind. It pays attention to what is happening around us right now. 

This mind also communicates with the outside world through our senses like sight, smell, taste, sound, touch, or feeling. 


Our conscious mind is mostly dependent on the subconscious mind to take any decision or action.


So our conscious mind always analyses the information based on the beliefs stored in the subconscious and takes the action complied with stored beliefs.


It is said that our conscious mind is only responsible for 1% of the processes, the rest 99% are done by our subconscious mind.


When we do something consciously it’s a part of our conscious mind. Like when we learn driving we fully focus on all the controls and driving process. But when we drive for a longer period it becomes a habit in our subconscious mind.  So now we do not need to focus fully on driving, our subconscious does it automatically.

What is Subconscious & How Subconscious Mind Works

The subconscious mind is responsible for most of our body functions like digesting, breathing, and controlling all the parts of our body. We do not need to focus on these tasks, they are done by the subconscious automatically.

Apart from the body functions, the subconscious mind is also responsible for learning new habits and making them a part of the subconscious. 

With the help of the conscious mind, the subconscious mind learns new things like walking, speaking, a new language, reading, writing, swimming, driving, etc. Once these habits are part of the subconscious we do not need to focus on them, they are done on autopilot by our subconscious.

Since our childhood, we have been filling our minds with many habits and thinking patterns. So if we have got a bad environment in our childhood, we would have many wrong and negative patterns in our subconscious. These patterns are now running on autopilot mode and creating our life. 

To change our life we need to change these old patterns and fill in the new information. Changing subconscious patterns is not that much easy but with firm commitment and some techniques, we can change them.

Our subconscious mind is subjective. It does not think or analyze independently, it merely obeys the commands it receives from the conscious mind.

The job of our subconscious mind is to store and retrieve data. It also makes sure that you respond according to your patterns. 

If you try to do something new, your mind will try to stop you because you are going against old patterns. Your subconscious wants you to go according to the stored patterns because it feels these patterns are important for your survival.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

There are many ways to reprogram the subconscious patterns. We will talk about a few here:

1. Repetition of Affirmation

When we repeat a positive affirmation with new emotions it affects our subconscious. At the start, our minds will reject it because it’s against our old patterns. But if we do it regularly with commitment, then one day our minds will accept it. But remember words without feelings have no power, so feel them when you say them.

2. Meditation

Meditation is the most powerful tool for our minds. Learning meditation can take some time but once we are used to it, it can help us in enormous ways. 

When we go deeper in meditation we get disconnected from our outer environment. In this state, our conscious mind is not much active and information can pass through the conscious mind more easily. 

In this state of VOID if we intend something or imagine a new future our mind will accept it with more ease.

Meditation is the core of all mind-related activities. All other exercises are somewhere connected to this.

3. Visualization or Imagination

A belief is only a thought I continue to think. A belief is only my habit of thought. It’s only a practiced thought. A belief is only a thought I think a lot.” – Abraham-Hicks

Our subconscious cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary. So if we imagine something with pure feelings, our subconscious will take it as a true event. And once our subconscious accepts something it will do everything to make it real. So every day for a few minutes you can imagine a future of your desires. It’s better if you do it after meditation.

4. Hypnosis

Hypnosis is another technique that is used to change subconscious patterns. This technique is used widely by hypnotherapists to heal their client from any past incident.

In hypnosis, the hypnotist uses some techniques to take the subject into an altered state. In this state the human brain accepts the instructions given by the hypnotist.

There are many other techniques like subliminal messages, kaleidoscope, mind movies, vision boards, NLP, Sedona method, EFT, unshakable faith in some mystical power, etc.

5. Bonus

To understand mind reprogramming concept in deep, I will ask you to go through the list below:

Final Words on Subconscious Mind vs Conscious Mind

As you can see all actions taken by us depend on the beliefs we have been storing in our subconscious minds. Our conscious mind controls very less of our personality. 

So to achieve anything in the outside world we need to work on our inside world. There are some unconscious ways to change our subconscious like deep meditation and hypnosis. But we can also change our subconscious with a firm commitment to change by using our conscious mind.

Thanks for reading this post on subconscious mind vs conscious mind.

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