Affirmations Benefits : 5 Ways Positive Affirmations Can Benefit you

Positive Affirmations Benefits: There is a voice speaking to us all the time in the background of our heads. This voice just keeps saying us the things throughout the day, based on the beliefs that are stored in our subconscious mind. 

If we have good things stored in our subconscious mind then it will say good, positive things to us. But if we have wrong beliefs then this voice will be repeating negative things throughout the day.

We can call this voice our self-talk. And these self-Talks make us who we are. These self-talks decide what quality of life we will have. These self-talks create our feelings that decide our energy level.

Positive affirmations are a good way to change these self-talks. By using the affirmations we go beyond our old negative mind and try to change our self-talk from negative to positive.

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We have a lot of neurons in our brain. When we learn a new habit these neurons get connected and create a pathway for this new habit, so that we can do the things on autopilot mode. like driving, walking, reading, writing, and all other habits we have.

But the problem is we have also stored a lot of negative habits and beliefs in our brain. These negative beliefs we learned from our surroundings, family, and society. And now we have a solid pathway of neurons in our heads for these negative habits.

Our brain will release these pathways only when it thinks that these beliefs are false, and something else is true. 

To tell our mind that these beliefs are false, we need to fill new positive information into our mind consciously and consistently.

If we do this for a long period of time with commitment and required emotions, our mind will change old beliefs with new ones.

For example, we have a belief from our childhood that:

I am not enough.” So at all points of life when we wish to get good things and people in our lives, this voice in our mind will say, “No, You are not enough, you can not get this.”

There will be a pathway for this belief. And there are feelings connected with all the beliefs we have. 

Now to change this belief we will consciously repeat to ourself “I am enough.” with the feelings of enoughness. 

Whenever this old belief hits me, I will repeat “I am enough” and take myself in the new feelings of enoughness. Remember, feelings are the only important thing in this process. If you repeat “I am enough” with the feeling of worthlessness you will remain the same old person. 

Kamal Ravikant’s short Book “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It.” is the best success storybook I have read on self-love and affirmations.

What are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are positive sentences that we keep repeating to ourselves to change our old beliefs with new ones. We can set time aside in the morning and evening to repeat our affirmations.

Apart from that whenever a negative thought hits us during the day we repeat our affirmations and turn our minds towards positive. 

Remember, if you keep going back to old feelings, your old belief will not be replaced with the new one.

Let’s move further to read all affirmations benefits.

Positive Affirmations Examples

Here are a few positive affirmations examples:  

Self-Love Affirmations

  • I love myself
  • I am in love with myself

Every morning watch in the mirror and say to yourself:

“I love you, I love you so much, you are beautiful, you are amazing.”

Self Worth Affirmations

  • I am enough
  • I am worthy
  • I accept myself, exactly the way I am
  • I am ready to accept all beautiful things from this world into my life

Affirmations for Happiness

  • I am happy
  • My mind is calm and relaxed
  • Higher intelligence is taking care of everything for me

Affirmations for Love and Relationship

  • I am in love with love
  • I am open to receive a beautiful relationship in my life
  • I allow myself to fall in love with someone who is like me
  • I am worthy of love
  • Now, right at this moment I am ready to receive the love of my life

Affirmations for Money and Abundance

  • I am rich
  • The flood of money is coming to me from all around
  • I have multiple income sources
  • I am making $(Put a Number) per month by doing what I love to do, at the place where I love to live

Also, Read : Positive affirmation for self love, affirmations for kids, affirmations for anxiety etc.

How to Use Positive Affirmations

How to Use Positive Affirmations
  • Observe in which areas of your life you want improvement
  • Based on that write some positive affirmations
  • If you wish you can record the affirmations in your own voice and add some background music to them. This method is very interesting. You can use software like Filmora, Audacity, or any mobile app for this.
  • Set aside some time in the morning and evening to read or listen to your affirmations
  • Feel the feeling of your new belief. Felling is the only important part of this process
  • During the day whenever you feel down, or your mind wants to go back to your old self, just repeat affirmation and become the new version of yourself

How Can Affirmations Benefit You?

There are multiple benefits of affirmations. Let’s discuss few important affirmations benefits here:

1. Affirmations Can Help you to be Positive and Excited About Life

If we live the life as our old self, then we will always feel what our mind & beliefs want us to feel.

But once we start using affirmations, we shift our focus from problems towards opportunities.

Once we think about opportunities and the good life, we feel happy, we feel we can do anything, we generate positive expectations for life.

2. Positive Affirmations Can Raise Your Vibration

When you start to use affirmations, you start thinking about the positive side of life. And once you start thinking positive thoughts, automatically you shift yourself from low vibrational energy to high vibrational energy.

Once you shift your energy, you know all things become possible.

3. Affirmations Can Change Your Old Beliefs

A belief is only a thought I continue to think. A belief is only my habit of thought. It’s only a practiced thought. A belief is only a thought I think a lot.” – Abraham-Hicks


We have a lot of stored beliefs in our minds. We always keep thinking about the thoughts related to those beliefs. This habit of thinking keeps those beliefs alive in our heads.

Once we start thinking new thoughts with new emotions, which are against those old beliefs, we are turning the wheel of time.

At the start, our mind will not believe our new thoughts and try to ignore them. But if we do it with full commitment, one day our old mind will surrender and a new belief will be stored.

4. Affirmations Can Change Your Life

By using the affirmation, if we can change our old beliefs, we can change our life.

Our life is a product of the thoughts we think repeatedly. And the thoughts we think depend on the beliefs we have. 

Once we can change a belief in any area of our life, that area will be changed in our outer world. Because our thoughts and beliefs are generating our reality.

5. Affirmations Can Heal You

Affirmations can heal you from the negative emotions you are holding from your past. They can help you to forgive others so that you can be free. 

Once you can release old negative emotions from your body, your body also starts to get better.

To understand this in deep, I will ask you to go through the list below:

Final Thoughts on Affirmations Benefits

As you can see, affirmations can benefit you in multiple ways. But you need to be committed and hungry for change to make them work for you. 

Affirmation is a conscious process so you need to be aware all the time so that you do not go back to your old self. Whenever your mind wants to go back to your old self, just be greater than your old self, repeat your affirmations and emit new energy.

When we are in the deep states (Alpha or Theta) of mind, the information goes easily into our subconscious mind.  

So in the morning and evening before repeating, or listening to the affirmations, sit in the meditation for some time, once you are relaxed in the lower brainwave states, then start to repeat the affirmations.

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