Hooponopono Prayer : Let the Divinity Work Miracles in Your Life

Hooponopono prayer is an ancient Hawaiian technique for healing and forgiveness. This is a powerful technique that can set you free from shame, anger, hate, guilt, any other negative emotions, and blockages. It can free you from your past. 

Even if you don’t hold any negative emotion from your past still you can use Hooponopono prayer to be at peace with everything in your present life, whether it’s your work, relationships, or your financial situation.

Hooponopono prayer can help you release the blockages you are holding for different areas in your life. Once you release the block you will observe a huge improvement in that area of your life.

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hooponopono prayer

The Story of Hooponopono Prayer

 Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona is considered to be the creator of modern Hooponopono prayer. She was born in 1913 in Hawaii. She worked as a healer and later she modified the traditional Hoóponopono technique into the modern-day Ho’oponopono practice.

Ihaleakala Hew Len is another name who worked with Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona for a very long time and after her death, he passed her teachings to the world. 

Ihaleakala Hew Len used to heal people even without seeing them, Just by following Ho’oponopono and cleansing the judgments he has for the person.

Finally, Joe Vitale co-authored a book called “Zero limits” with Ihaleakala Hew Len. This book became a bestseller and this Hoóponopono technique reached the masses.

My Favorite Hooponopono Books

Below two are my favorite books on Hoóponopono

1. Zero Limits

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 Zero Limits is the best book I have read on the subject of Hoóponopono. This book is co-authored by Ihaleakala Hew Len with Joe Vitale. 

This book gives all the details about Hoóponopono and how we can apply it in our lives. This book also includes the healing stories from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

Joe Vitale with Ihaleakala Hew Len has also released an Online Hoóponopono program.

2. The Easiest Way

The Easiest Way is my 2nd favorite book on the subject of Hoóponopono. This book is written by Mabel Katz. Mabel Katz studied Hoóponopono with Ihaleakala Hew Len.

She is a very famous Ho’oponopono teacher. She travels all over the world to teach the Ho’oponopono technique.

Hooponopono Benefits

  1. Hooponopono prayer will help you to see life from a different angle
  2. you will understand that every person or situation exists in your life because of the judgment you are holding towards them
  3. You will understand that an error in your thinking is creating a problem in your life
  4. you will learn to trust in divinity which will help you to let go and surrender
  5. You will learn to release all the negative emotions without judging them
  6. You will learn to let go with love because now you understand that everything outside is a part of your inner chemistry
  7. You will learn how to let the divinity work in your life just by trusting in it
  8. You will be able to release the shame, guilt, and other emotions from your past with love
  9. It will help you to improve any area of your life just by creating a feeling of peace with it within yourself
  10. You will be at peace in every situation because you trust the divine and you know it will make everything perfect
  11. Hooponopono prayer is the easiest technique to cleanse your subconscious from negative memories. This is a conscious cleansing technique so like other techniques you don’t need to be good at meditation

Hooponopono Mantra

Hooponopono prayer consists of four phrases- “I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you”. In Ho’oponopono practice we repeat these four phrases continuously to cleanse our subconscious mind from any negative memory or emotion.

Remember that any mantra in this world is just a written sentence unless you understand the meaning behind it and add your emotions to it.

Think if you keep repeating the Hooponopono mantra but you are not ready to forgive another person, how will it work?

You keep repeating this mantra but instead of cleansing your emotions and past memories with it you just react to the memories and flow away with them as your old self was doing.

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you need to become a new person day by day by using it. You need to be willing to forgive, you need to be willing to let go. You need to be willing to trust in the divine. 

We are human and we are given free will. Until we are willing to release, divine power will not enter our life. 

Let’s understand the meaning behind these phrases: 

1. I am Sorry

I am sorry means you are taking 100% responsibility for everything going on in your life. You know that an error in your thinking is the reason for this problem. So, here instead of blaming people or situations for your problem you are going within and accepting that this is me, some memory in my subconscious is creating this problem.

If you blame someone for your problems, that problem will always be there because you are feeding that memory, and this memory will express itself in the outside world

Note that when you are repeating these mantras you are having a conversation with divinity not with any person or situation.

Many people will not agree to take 100% responsibility for the problems in their lives. But decide what you want, you want to go with the same problems for another year or you want to accept and release them. And know that everything is connected in some way in our physical and mental world.

2. Please Forgive Me

Now you know that some error in your thinking is creating this issue. But you exactly don’t know what is the error/memory that is generating this problem. 

So you are asking the divine to cleanse you from whatever is creating this situation. you are permitting divinity to enter your life over your free will. 

You know that by using your intellect you have tried a lot without getting any success. So finally you want to put everything in the hands of the Divine. And you ask it to free you.

3. Thank You

Gratitude is a powerful force. You are paying gratitude to the divine for working on you. For cleansing you from these memories.

Everything is happening between you and the divinity. Don’t try to get validation from the outside world because that is the reflection of your memories.

4. I Love You

With this phrase, you are sending love to the divine. You are surrendering everything to divinity with love. Love is the most powerful emotion. So feel it when you repeat the hooponopono mantra.

How to Practice Hooponopono Prayer

One thing you should realize is that your emotions and your intentions are more important than the phrases. Your willingness for change is the key ingredient for this process to work. Doesn’t matter in which manner you repeat the phrase your intention should be:

I am the creator of this reality. I accept it. I am ready to forgive, I am ready to release all these emotions without any judgments. Divine creator, I trust in you and I ask you to cleanse me and set me free

May people just repeat “Thank You, I love you….”. Many people only repeat “Thank you.. Thank you..”. Some prefer to repeat önly “I love you… I love you..”. So finally it’s all about your willingness, your intentions, and your emotions not about how you repeat the phrases.

But at the initial level it’s good to repeat all four phrases so that you can grab the whole meaning of hooponopono prayer: “I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.”

You can follow this practice in the following ways: 

  1. In the morning or evening, you can spare some time where you will sit quietly and repeat this mantra same like a meditation
  2. As this is a conscious process so you need to be aware during the day. Whenever something negative emotion or memory hits you, instead of going with it just repeat the mantra and cleanse it. Your ego will not allow you to release it so easily at the beginning but use your willingness to go beyond your ego and allow the divine to erase it. 
  3. When we go to sleep most of the negative emotions from our day hits us. So use this time to cleanse. Repeat the mantra and fall asleep with it. 

There are many guided Ho’oponopono meditations available on YouTube if you wish you can try them.

hooponopono prayer

Key Factors to Remember in Hoóponopono Prayer

Here are few factors you should remember while following Hoóponopono practice:

1. Trust in Divine Power

You must create trust in divine power.  If you don’t have trust you will try to fix things by using your intellect,  which you have been doing so far. 

When we use our intellect we try to kill a negative emotion with another negative emotion. Because we are under complete control of our ego. 

With our ego, we say “That person did wrong to me. He is wrong. But for my freedom, I want to forgive him or her.” The question is will we ever be able to forgive someone if we hold a judgment for that person. We can run away from that person but we can not release the memories until we stop blaming them.

2. To Be at Peace

You need to be at peace. Just keep cleansing and be at peace. If you are rushing, it means  you are still trying to use your intellect to fix things.

If you are anxious or worried it means you don’t have trust in the divine. 

So just keep repeating, keep cleansing, be at peace and let the divine forge the path for you. Believe that divinity will show you the miraculous things that you can hardly achieve with your intellect. 

To know the power of surrender you can read the book “The Surrender experiment.”

Try it , “can you feel that peace here right now?”

The Original Hooponopono Prayer from Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona: 

This is the old and the original prayer from Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona which she used to heal people. In this prayer father, mother and son refers to the superconscious, conscious and subconscious mind.

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona hooponopono original prayer

Final Thoughts on Hooponopono Prayer

Hooponopono prayer is the easiest method to be free from the chains of the past. It will help you to experience true freedom. it will allow you to see things from your true nature. 

We come on this planet to learn our lessons and experience life from a broader angle. Everything in our life is a chapter that will teach us something and finally, we will pass it. So try to question the beliefs you are holding from your limited self and progress towards your true nature.

Love and compassion for everyone and everything is the key to a happy and long life. And this is what makes us human.

So be aware of your thoughts and keep cleansing. Keep reminding yourself of your purpose. There are some physical tools used by people to feel positive and to be on track, like Hooponopono cards, Hooponopono bracelets, Hooponopono journal, etc. If you wish, you can try them.

Thank You!! Be at peace.

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Important Links:

  1. Youtube video link to an interview of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and  Ihaleakala Hew Len
  2. Youtube video link to understand more about hooponopono and self identity
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