Self Love Mantras : 5 Mantras to Boost Your Self Worth and Self Esteem

These Self love mantras will help you to go deeper within yourself and send your intention to your higher mind. 

If we love ourselves, we will see love all around us in the form of people, places, and events. 

Many people think affirmations don’t work. This happens because people are holding a lot of negative emotions inside. And when they repeat the affirmations, they just resist these negative emotions. They want to hide from these emotions and do not want to face them. In this scenario we are not focusing on the new, we are just resisting the old, that is why affirmations don’t work.

For me, the real meaning of affirmation is to accept all parts of ourselves, negative or positive. Once we are at peace with our negative parts, then we set an intention for change by using the affirmations. 

In this case, we are not resisting our negative patterns, we are releasing them with love. Because what we resist persists.

Our willingness is the key ingredient in the process of the working of affirmations. We need to be willing to forgive, we need to be willing to release our negative patterns and emotions. We need to be willing to be at peace with our negative parts, we need to be willing to accept all parts of us. 

Remember, all the people, places, events, relationships, and situations come into our lives based on the story we keep telling ourselves about ourselves. 

So, let’s change the story we are repeating in our heads all day long.

Let’s reclaim our self-love, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-acceptance. 

self love quotes

How to Use Self Love Mantras?

You can use self-love mantras in the following ways:

  1. Repeat your favorite self-love mantra at the wakeup. Our morning decides the quality of our day. So repeat it whenever you come out of your sleep and be at peace with yourself in the morning. Your day will be magical
  2. When we go to sleep, most of us think about the problems we faced today. Enter into a deep sleep with positivity and peace. Repeat your affirmations when you go to sleep. Fall asleep with your affirmations and the feeling of love
  3. Whenever you come across any mirror, look into your eyes and repeat your self-love mantra
  4. During your day, whenever a negative thought or situation hits you, remember your commitment and willingness for change, that you have promised to yourself. Now repeat your mantra, release this negative thought with love and shift your focus towards positive. You need to be aware of your thoughts all the time.
  5. If you get time for meditation during your day, you can do mantra meditation. Just sit in meditation posture, relax your mind and then repeat your self-love mantra quietly in your mind. Concentrate on your mantra and become one with your mantra

5 Self Love Mantras for Self Acceptance, Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Below are 5 self love mantras, you can use in your daily life:

1. I am willing to love myself

if I say “I love myself” maybe at the start my mind will not believe me. So we can start with “I am willing to love myself”. Here we are telling our mind that we are ready to change. We are ready to forgive. We are ready to release and to be at peace. 

Our mind listens to us when we say something with a powerful will. Here we are not resisting our old patterns, we are just setting an intention with powerful willingness.

While repeating the mantra, whatever negative comes into your mind, just keep releasing it with love.

2. I am lovable & I am loved

Maybe we believe that we are not lovable and nobody will ever love us. 

But we are lovable because we exist on this planet with a unique fingerprint, unique face, and unique ideas we have. 

Creator has made us with the same effort as anyone else. So repeat this mantra when your mind tells you a lie that you are not lovable.

3. I love and approve of myself as I am

We think when we have a shaped body, a lot of money, and a big house, then only we will be able to love ourselves. 

It’s not true, we are perfect right now. Now is the perfect time to fall in love with ourselves. 

Also, everything is connected. Whatever we are facing right now is because we don’t love ourselves. 

Once we start loving this beautiful child sitting inside us, this outside environment will be changed.

Because this is the rule of the universe, outside reality has to match with the inner reality.

4. I am enough

When we were small children, less than 8 years old, we adopted a lot of beliefs from our parents and environment. 

Based on those beliefs we think we are not enough. But remember you are a unique human being, you are not your parents or your environment. 

You are enough as yourself. Your mind has associated your worth with your past, or when you were a child. Release this part of you with love, while repeating this affirmation.

5. I am worthy of all good things in my life

Right now you deserve all good things in your life. You don’t have to reach a certain standard to feel worthy. You are worthy right now, go for a good life with boldness. Whatever you wish to become is already inside you right now.


I am willing to forgive and release

Final Thoughts

Self love can be life changing. 

As within, so without. Outside world is a reflection of our inner self. 

Once we are at peace within us, we will see this peace outside. So do not try to change outside , go within and change. 

Do not hate anyone, they are a part of us, forgive and send love to them inside you. You will see the changes outside.

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